Sunday, August 24, 2008

Almost Home

After a great stay in Stockholm, we are almost to the end of our short stay in Oslo. After that we're headed out to Copenhagen for one night and one last goodbye party. The day after we leave for two nights in Iceland to reflect on our time abroad, and hopefully we wont miss the flight. Our trip concludes when we fly into Minneapolis at night on Friday, the 29th. From there I'll be going straight to Madison. Here's some random pictures:



Sunday, August 17, 2008

Forrest Finnery

So far we've had some great opportunities to meet some interesting Vikings. Our stay in Finland has been no different. Although, the only stories we hear from Vikings about other Vikings are usually a tad overexagerated, the Finns lived up to most of their hype.

After arriving a bit late due to Tyler and I's desire to stay in Copenhagen a little longer, we were happy to hear the airlines had lost Tyler's luggage. We made it into town and were put up in a Viking's new apartment (Sten), which he had not moved into yet. The place was completely empty, but we were supplied with sleeping pads. Throughout the week we had the chance to meet numerous Vikings, and even the two Finnish scholars coming to Madison this spring, Otto and Mattias. Both of these guys were quite the characters. Otto made sure to show us a good time all of the nights we hung out with him and even gave us a private tennis lesson (he used to be on the Finnish national team). Mattias invited us out to his family's farm on the coast for a night. This was an amazing experience. We were able to tear up his land in his ATVs and then took a boat ride out to one of his family's cottages that they rent out to tourists, mainly Russians. It even came with a private sauna, which we put to good use.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Final Push

I'm in the midst of my final travels of the summer and I haven't had much time to update this blog. The final travels started when we left Copenhagen on August 8th to Helsinki, Finland. The funniest part was missing the flight due to a little too much partying the night before. We left Helsinki on the 14th, after rocking it hard,to Stockholm, Sweden on an over night ferry. Currently we're sitting in a hostel in Stockholm and will be continuing on to Oslo, Norway. Maybe more updates soon.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ameeeerica...FCK Yeah

Hello again, I'm still behind in keeping this blog, recently due to exams, which are now done for me. So now to celebrate finishing those I felt the urge to try to get this thing up to date. As of now, this blog is a little more than a week behind, so lets get started.

I left off with the visit to Rikke's summer house. We cam back from that journey late in the evening, not last Friday, but the Friday before. We had big plans to go check out the Stubnitz boat, which I don't remember if I mentioned earlier. It's a boat that sails to Copenhagen every summer from Germany and throws parties all the time, a great venue with a huge variety of random music. That Friday was the first of two going away parties, the last two they throw before shoving off to Germany. This night was organic music night and we had no idea what the hell that meant, but we knew it'd be a party. We got back into town pretty late and made it there pretty late as well. Things looked grim, not many people. There was a DJ scratching some good music, but the place was empty. We proceeded to solve this problem by ordering liters upon liters of beer. Aparently this worked because the place soon filled up and it was a party. We got our groove on and headed out for a nice walk back since we were on the other end of town and the trains had stopped running, but we eventually made it back.

The next morning was rough seeing as we were headed out on one of the CBS social program day trips to Legoland (yes, Legoland, it started here) at 7:30am. Fortunately we made it on time, unlike the Berlin trip (see old post). Upon arrival in this Lego utopia, that kids cream their jeans over, we were blown away by crowds of children. Running, screaming, crying, great news. Once we got over the shock we checked out the massive Lego city, which is basically representations of places all over the world. We continued to seek out all the cool rides that were all kids sized, somewhat of a miny great america.
My height was a bit of a hinderence while getting into rides, but I managed all of them. One of Tyler and I's favorite rides was an interactive one. It was a ride where there is a firetruck and you get in and pump these cranks to set it in motion towards a fake burning. Once you get there you get our and pump a fire hydrant while the other person aims the hose at the fire. Accuracy counts to put out the fire. Then you get back in and pump your way back. The main part was that it wasn't just one firetruck, it was about 8, and you all race. The whole while we were standing in line we were analyzing the logistics and working out methods of domination, looking at each part, figuring out the best technique. Once we got to the front of the line I think we both had dreams of greatness in the competition, along with lumps in the backs of our throats due to worries of complete failure to little kids. The bell rang to start and we bolted into the lego fire truck. We each pumped hard and took off fast, putting everyone in the dust. We came to the fire so fast that the truck hit the boundary and threw me to the front of the truck. Tyler grabbed the hydrant pump and I took control of the sharpshooting. Tyler pumped that thing with all his strength sacrificing his body for the good of those poor Lego people who were on fire. I shot with pinpoint accuracy and the fire was out. We hopped back in the truck and took off pumping as hard as hell to get back. At the finish line we looked back to see no one had even finished and gotten in the truck...FLAWLESS VICTORY!!! We exited the truck expecting to here hundreds of people cheering while we waited for our parade. None of that happened, so we just gave each other a huge, good ol' fashion American high five and left. We asserted America's dominance that day.

Haha, never thought I could write so much about that. We proceeded to check out all the other rides and then we left early because we had plans to visit another Viking, Erik Juel...from Juelsberg. But that will be the next post, stay tuned.