Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Can't Stop, Won't Stop

Time has been flying since my last post and I feel like the pace is only increasing. There's so much to do here in so little time that I believe this trip will help my time management skills over anything else. I just added some links on the side of this page including a link to Tyler's blog, so you can see this trip from two different views.

Tyler and I spent most of last week recovering from the Roskilde music festival while anticipating the trip to Berlin, through the Copenhagen Business School, at the end of the week. We had to leave on a bus at 7:30 AM on Friday, so naturally we went hard Thursday night. Most of the residents here gathered in the social area and shot the shit then moved on to the Kulør Bar. At this place you pay 60 Kroner to get in (~$12) and you can drink free from 11pm-1am which is a great deal. One of the other Vikings, Thomas, was there as well as one of the guys we met at Roskilde, Daniel. We danced all night and I ended up being one of the last ones to leave. I made it back around 3-4am and set my alarm in order to make the bus at 7:30am. As a contingency plan I left my door unlocked, so someone could possible wake me up. I fell asleep and a few hours later I'm woken up by tyler, who's fully dressed with his bag in hand, saying "it's 7:20, we gotta go now!" I flew out of bed and grabbed everything I could think I would need and we shot off down the street. Thankfully the same thing happened to everyone, so the bus was delayed.

The trip to Berlin was great, but a little rushed. Once we were in town Friday we searched the city for what Tyler declared was the best Doner Kabob place in the world. We found it and gorged ourselves. After that we hit up the local Pub Crawl, which just takes people on a tour through all these different bars. They took us to some nice places, but we never got many drink specials like they promised. The next morning we took a walking tour of the city for 4-5 hours. It was a great tour thanks to the guide who gave a lot of good info. We had some freetime and went back to the Doner Kabob place for another round and explored the city on our own for a while. At Checkpoint Charlie street vendors were selling all sorts of Cold War gear like uniforms, military hats, medals, etc. The thing that caught my eye as a great buy was a gas mask. I managed to haggle the guy from 25 euro to 10 euro AND the mask came with a sweet carying case. Everyone on the trip went out to dinner to a nice restaurant, but not before we took advantage of the hostel bar that was selling great drinks and shot for half price during happy hour. After dinner we went out, but ended the night back at the hostel bar till the wee hours of the morning. The next day we woke up early as usual and headed out to tour Sachsenhausen, a model concentration camp that was put to use to show people how it worked. It was a very sobering/moving experience, but I'm glad I had the opportunity to see something of such historical importance. I walked around and saw the inferemery where medical experiments were done, the shacks that the prisoners lived in, and there was also a huge monument in the middle to honor those people who lived in the camp. Whoever runs the camp did a great job of getting personal information and stories from the actual prisoners of this camp and putting on display. The had a few videos of those people walking around the camp in the present day and describing horrible stories. We left the concentration camp and drove straight back to Copenhagen, making it in at around 9pm with everyone being dead tired.

Thomas, one of the local vikings, had invited us to a boat party that same night and for some reason I decided to go check it out even thought I was dead tired. No one wanted to go with me for the same reason. I made it to Thomas's dorm where we had partied one of the first nights and met a few of his dorm mates. We ventured out on bikes to find this party that this boat hosts, on the boat. It travels around to different ports throwing parties on Sunday nights. Eventually we found it in a dark harbor area where nothing was going on. The boat was completely dark, so Thomas and I decided to sneak on. We walked through all this random scrap metal and what not until we came upon a guy drinking a beer and smoking a cig. He told us that there was no party because they didn't have the riht permit to throw a party. So we

Monday night our dorm had a little cookout on our own, which was good times. We even got into a game of 3 on 3 basketball on this tiny court behind our place. They didn't seem like they knew how to play and complained when I set a pick on someone. Last night Tyler headed out to visit some old friends, from when he studied in Utrecht, who were now living in Sweden. I stayed back to hang out with an American viking who was in town, Becky. Nicolai had us over for dinner and Thomas was there along with a different viking Thomas who lives near Roskilde. We ate pasta, as per usual at Nicolai's, and drank some fine Akvavit, the traditional Scandinavian schnapps. After dinner new viking Thomas went home, since he had an interview in the morning. Nicolai, Thomas, Becky, and I left to pick up two friends of Thomas's from Massachusetts, who we took straight to a party on a different boat that actually existed this time. There were too many people there since it was a Tuesday night, but they had live music which was crazy.

That night made for a difficult morning at class, but I made it through and even got a haircut today, BAM. The upcoming days should be pretty intense. Tonight a viking name Mikkel Morup is taking us out on the town, no idea whats planned, the only info is that he's picking us up in an hour. Tomorrow night a viking named Ilya is taking us out for unknown activities. Friday night the other Thomas from Roskilde discussed having a big Viking party although nothing is planed yet. Should be an interesting next few days.

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