Wednesday, July 30, 2008

FCK Game, Not for the Kiddies

This is my first post in ages since my computer has been acting up, not cool. A lot of stuff has been going down here in København, so I will try to sum these things up.

I left off by saying we were heading out to an FC København game. We hadn't planned on getting too wrecked before the game, but somehow a bottle of shitty flavored vodka changed that. It was a decent game with København winning 1-0, but the best part was just witnessing a soccer game abroad. The fans were going crazy in what could be best described as a "student section" of a badger football game. We continued to put back some beer during the game and then afterwards we followed the girl in charge of the summer social program to a relatively close bar. Cheap beer and a local crowd of København fans made for a good time. I started talking to one guy from a big group of fans who was in disbelief at my sweet FC København jacket that I recently purchased for 150 kr or about $30. He was just excited that an american would be supporting his team. You couldn't deny their dedication to the team due to all of them having tattoos of the København logo, a lion. I bought these guys a round of drinks, which set them off to buying us all these drinks for a while. The night proceeded on until one of the rowdy København fans punched a guy we were with in the face.

The next day one of Tyler's flatmates came into town and we went out around town. First we walked through the King's Garden, which is a beautiful and elaborate garden/park. After that we toured the Statens Museum for Kunst...FOR FREE!! It's a large art museum that recently had a quite large edition. There were all sorts of interesting pieces there. That night we had yet another BBQ outside our dorm and I headed out to a hookah bar right down the street afterwards. From there a small group follwed two friends who said they knew of this great place to drink that is always hopping. We got there and saw just two people sitting at the bar, so we ordered a round. As we stood there thinking about what to do this guy, around 60 years old, walked in by himself absolutely smashed. He couldn't make to many english sentences at first, but we eventually found out he had a Masters in Economics and was a profesor. That was supposedly the beauty of this place, that no matter who you were you could come here, since its open all night when other places close.

The next day, Thursday, we set off to see another local Viking after class, Rikke. She was currently staying at her husband's father's summerhome in southern Denmark. Tyler and I took a long train ride down and met her, her husband Peter, and their two kids. She took us out to eat in the local beachtown and then left us. She told us we needed to go out and gave us 200 kroner for the drinks she would have had with us if she wasn't busy with her new born kids. Rikke also told us that it didn't matter when we came back and encouraged us to stay out late, so we did. We bought some drinks at a bar, checked out the moon/stars on the beach, and then headed back to a dance club. On the way we encountered these two local girls who insisted that we don't go to the club because no one was there, so we ended up following them back to the same place we were before except with more people. We met all of their friends and a ton of locals. It turned into an interesting evening, which didn't end until 5am for me, so I got to see the sunrise on the beach.

The next morning we went to the beach for a bit. Tyler ended up destroying his newly bought phone by jumping in the sea with it in his pockets, not good. We came back to Rikke's and they took us out to the local medieval park, which is basically like the Renaisance Fair in Wisconsin. We saw some trebuchets launch rocks into the water, very close to boats, and then we witnessed a jousting match between the "good guy" (a Dane) and the "bad guy" (a German). Our side was the good guys side and after the Dane won, the German guy rode over with a goblet of water and threw it in our faces. I managed to duck a little, but Tyler got all wet. Damn Germans.

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